On the 4th of June 2021, the “MASLAP – Mutation of Architectural, Social and Landscape Space in the Mirror of Late Antique Peristyle Buildings along the Danube” Project, coordinated by Orsolya Heinrich-Tamáska, in association with Dominic Moreau, was awarded a grant, until the end of 2023, as part of the “Accueil international” programme of the I-SITE ULNE (HUB 4 CSPM). This research programme, led by UMR 8164-HALMA, aims to study peristyle buildings in the Danubian provinces of the Later Roman Empire, partly through field surveys, as well as to develop links between the HALMA research centre and the University of Lille, on the one hand, and the Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO) in Leipzig, on the other, in the field of archaeology. From the 1st of September 2021, a postdoctoral fellow, Máté Szabó, will be hired for a period of 18 months to work on the above-mentioned project.
Our Team

PD Dr. Orsolya Heinrich-Tamáska
PI of the MASLAP Project, Research Professor, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), Associate Professor, Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie, Frei Universität Berlin

Dr. Dominic Moreau
Adjunct PI of the MASLAP Project, Associate Professor (MCF) at the Université de Lille
PhD Dr. Máté Szabó
Postdoctoral fellow of the MASLAP Project (2021-2022) Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Archaeology